Oliveto Catizzone  One of the Catizzone's olive-groves in Zagarise (Pantane area).*

 The tree of the cultivar Carolea (called also Caroleo, Catanzarese,  Nicastrese, Cumignana, Olivone) is of middle-tall vigor and has ample gait.

  The foliage, in the shape of reverse pyramid, is provided with thin and erect  sprigs. The leaves, of middle-big dimensions, are long, regular, of green light  colour.

  It is cultivated in Calabria, with fruits of around 4 grams, good productivity  and middle yield. It withstands well the cold. It comes pollinated by the  Nocellara Messinese.

  The olives Carolea, because of their double attitude, can be used for the          olive oil and for the table.


  *picture: all rights reserved.



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